
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Holiday bows tutorial

Nicole from Ni-Chern Designs posted a Holiday bows tutorial that is super easy to make!

Check it out!

Four days before Christmas! I'm sure everyone is starting to wrap their presents! BUT you forgot to buy bows! Oh No!!! No worries... take a deep breath. Do you have 5 - 8 minutes to spare? Yes? Well! This bow making tutorial is just for you!
I made some bows with some blueprints from work.

They are super easy to make!
If you have scrap paper that you don't really want to throw away or even your child's scribbles... or progress reports from work, or notes from your teacher to your parents, ... any paper would be perfect to use for this simple project!

Cut stripes. I had cut 3/4" and 1" strips.
11" is too long, so trim it down to about 9" or 9.5"
Fold the strip in half.  Twist one end of the paper to the folded line. Tape the one side down. I used tape, but you can use glue if you want to. Do the same thing to the other side of the strip. Twist two of the 9" strips like this. Tape them crossed on top of each other. I'm not sure if you can see it well in the pictures below.

For the next three strips, cut them at 7". Do the same thing, and tape them to the base of the bow that you started with the 9" strips.

I think 5 strips look the best (bow to the left) than the 4 strips (bow to the right). You can vary the width of the bows to your liking... but now you know how to make them!!

(Reposted from Nicole's Blog)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Local Show Saturday - Handmade & Vintage

Have any of you braved the shopping malls and big box stores on a Saturday?  What a nightmare.  Crowded parking lots, crowded shops, crowded restaurants, everything is crowded, and most of the people unpleasant.  If you still have shopping to do for the holidays and are looking for something unique handmade with artisan craftsmanship, than you want to be at Jerusalem Stone this Saturday from 11am-5pm.  Where there's plenty of free parking, just the right amount of space and friendly happy people who want to help you find the perfect item for you or your loved one.  KCEtsy Team Members Kitty from KisforKitty and MaryAnn from  TangoPony will be in attendance along with other local artists and vintage sellers.  See Jerusalem Stone's facebook event page for a complete listing of vendors, what they are offering, and a map to their store in KCMO.  

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Christmas in Kansas City

Kansas City Etsy Shops are pooling resources and giving back to the local community, this holiday season by raising money for Harvesters - Community Food Network.  5-10% of all sales from participating shops between now until Christmas is being sent to Harvesters.  It might not seem like a significant amount at first, until you realize that Harvesters is able to turn every $1 donated into 5 meals.  That's a lot of bang for a single buck! 

This holiday season, as your making your list and checking it twice, look to Kansas City Etsy shops to fulfill your list, and provide some hot meals to those in need this holiday season.  Together we can make a difference - join us.

Many of these shops are donating a percentage of their sales::

Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Donating to Harvesters

This year for the holidays, members of KCEtsy, have come together to donate to Harvesters. Did you know that Harvesters can turn a $1 donation into 5 meals? 37% of the members of households served by Harvesters are children under 18 years old!

Each of these teams listed below are donating part or all of their proceeds to Harvesters! That’s amazing! Please stop by and take a look at these shops!

TangoPony is donating all her proceeds on Black Friday!

ButternutSquash is donating 5% of all her sale from Thanksgiving to Christmas!

KarenKayDotMe is donating $1 per order from Thanksgiving to Christmas!

Amathia is donating 10% of her proceeds from Thanksgiving to Christmas!

SouthHouseBoutique is donating $2.50 per stocking sold this season and during Thanksgiving weekend, $5 per stocking!

SilverTrove will be donating 5% from Thanksgiving to Christmas

DumbKidDesigns will be donating 10% of profits from Thanksgiving to Christmas

FabTabulous will be donating 10% from Thanksgiving to Christmas

CuriouslySappy will be donating 10% from Thanksgiving to Christmas!

TinyStitches will be donating $1 for every pillowcase sold from thanksgiving to Christmas!

NichernDesigns will be donating 5% of her profits from Thanksgiving to Christmas!

Newelry Jewelry will be donating 5% of her proceeds from Thanksgiving to Christmas!

rfoy57 will be donating 5% of her sales from December 1 - December 20!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Artist Spotlight - Tobias Jewelry

She's been a KCETSYTEAM member since 2009. Her jewelry is amazing, original and affordable. She makes a wide variety of pieces, yet each has her personal and unique style. Check out her shop!

Why and how did you start creating?
Throughout my childhood years I was always drawing, coloring, and creating different things. I have quite the Crayola selection and it’s still growing! When I started jewelry it was my junior year of High School. In my art class we had the option to do a jewelry project, since I was in an advanced class. So I thought I would take a shot at it. The only materials we had for creating jewelry pieces was the clay that was baked in a toaster oven. I made some beads and strung them on fishing line. Then I went to Hobby Lobby and purchased some things. Needless to say, it wasn’t that pretty. I then created a few pieces for my prom dress. They weren’t bad-but still not great.
When I was a freshman at KU, my initial degree was Graphic Design. Then I moved to Interior Design and I was set on that. I would always draw up floor plans when rearranging my room as a kid. But I mostly wanted to become an Interior Designer because my brother was an Architect and I thought it would be awesome to work with him.
 I then took a beginning Metals class and fell in love. I thought I would be able to handle both majors. After a semester of metals classes I realized Interiors wasn’t for me so I dropped being a double major and stuck with Metals. I graduated from the University of Kansas in May of 2009 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Metal Smithing and Jewelry! After I graduated  I was working on building my studio. I was already selling a few things. I was accepted to place my work in the Lawrence Art Center Gallery shop, which sold one of my pieces created during my Mechanism class at KU.
 I have been solid with my business since June 2010.

Where do you find your inspiration?
The passion I have for creativity is expressed through jewelry. I LOVE to research. Most of my research is done at the library, websites, and outdoors! I like to masque my work behind a plethora of design schemes and colors that leave my true intent hidden. This allows observers of my work the opportunity to reach their own interpretation of my inspiration and therefore gain their own insight. 

What are your favorite materials? What is your favorite thing to make?
I enjoy reticulated silver and anodized aluminum! I love fun colorful stones!

What new products are you working on?
After we get everything situated and my anodizer up and working, I hope to make new work and some re-created works. Till then I'm continuing on my "Junkyard" series and my reticulated silver works. Jewelry with reticulated silver has been my top seller this past few months!

Do you sell your items locally? If so, where?
I did have my work in the Lawrence Art Center Gallery Shop but they decided to close that down and open another gallery with work not for sale. I have yet to find a place to put my work  to sell it.

How did you find Etsy?
I was doing research for a project and stumbled across Etsy. I looked through it more and started selling my work on Etsy in 2009.

Do you have any hobbies other than your art?
My husband and I enjoy the outdoors, so we are always out and about discovering new things! We currently are discovering all the top haunted places in Kansas!
I also enjoy Geocaching. I recently downloaded that application on my phone and I have found many around my area in Topeka. When it’s a nice day we jump in the Pathfinder and hunt for them in the woods! It’s fun! (:

What do you find most challenging about being an artist/handcrafter?
The most challenging thing is maintaining a business. College did not prepare me for that after I graduated! It's very important that you are organized. I thought I was a very well organized person until I realized all the little things I need to do to keep going as a sole proprietor. Trying to find the right deals on tools, equipment, and supplies is tough. The best thing is that I have a wonderful, handy, husband who has helped my save so much money by making a lot of my displays, and jewelers bench and organizers.

Anything else you'd like to share?
I’m a very happy 24 year old living in Topeka with my amazing husband and very energetic 1 year old son! I started a new job at TARC in Topeka, KS on March 21st. I'm a computer lab specialist. I have been asked to promote to an assistant technology specialist but I have to wait till my 6 months is up in September to accept that position.
I enjoy my job greatly. I have a huge heart and passion in helping individuals to overcome the life they were given. It's not always easy to live life with a disability. Since July 2004 I have been helping at a camp in Excelsior Spring, MO., called Camp MITIOG, helping kids from the ages of 7-16 who have spina bifida. I started out as a counselor and now I'm a female lead counselor and have been for 4 years now! I wouldn't miss helping anyone out when the chance is there. You are probably wondering how I have time to create jewelry, but since my husband works 2nd shift at the railroad (BNSF) it makes is a little easier to go into my studio after I put my son to bed! Other than that I'm very family oriented and love creating one of a kind jewelry!!

Visit Tobias Designs for her amazing and beautiful jewelry!!