WEEK TWELVE: Win a Lip Embellishment Gift Set from Jill McKeever at For Strange Women! This is a set of 4 natural and nourishing lip balms in .25 oz sliding tins. These are full of foresty goodness and made with plant materials instead of synthetic flavors, colors, and fillers. Pine Cone, Clove, Poison Ivy, and Rosewood lip embellishments are nested inside a moss and flower petal-filled gift box, wrapped with ribbon. The gift box is made from 100% recycled materials, of which 75% is Post-Consumer Waste.
Says Jill, "I started creating with essential oils when I was 17, nearly 10 years ago. I have always made strange items for friends and family, but just this year decided to start an Etsy shop." Jill credits the forest, music, natural healing, and her animal friends for inspiration. "The earth. Yesteryear. The medium and plant materials that I have to work. These all inspire me as well."
"My favorite item is Ava's Sacred Vial. It is customized and has a unique look and meaning for each person. I am always intrigued when I get the message for what the customer wants in their vial. One person wanted empty ones and I just couldn't stand not knowing what they planned to put inside!" laughs Jill.
TO ENTER THIS CONTEST AND WIN the Lip Embellishment Gift Set, simply visit Jill's Etsy Shop forstrangewomen.etsy.com and choose your favorite item in the shop, then post a comment about your favorite item here. BE SURE TO INCLUDE contact information (your e-mail) in your post, so we can notify you if you win. For an EXTRA ENTRY, become a follower of this blog, and BE SURE TO POST A SEPARATE COMMENT letting us know you've done so. For yet a THIRD entry, Tweet on Twitter or blog about this contest on your own blog, including a link to this blog, and BE SURE TO POST A SEPARATE COMMENT letting us know. Include in your comment a link to your post! If you'd like a FOURTH ENTRY, become a fan of our KC Etsy Facebook Fan Page and post a comment indicating you've done so! Contest closes at 11:59 p.m. Central Time on Sunday, Nov. 8, 2009. Monday Nov. 9, a winner will be randomly drawn from eligible entrants and notified by e-mail, and the winner's name will also be posted here. Winner has one week to contact Jill to claim his/her prize. Contest open to U.S. residents. Keep checking here for our weekly drawings, and good luck to you!
This week's winner is JENNIFER B! Congratulations!
I really like Necklace- The Amethyst. Love your description too.
there are so many things i like in her shop but to choose one, i would have to choose natalia's ornamental bird necklace. i adore birds and what's more is my daughter's name is natalie. i've been wanting one of her creations for awhile so thank you for this!
Well, it's hard not to <3 everything in her shop, but the thing that has my attention most is The Amethyst necklace. It is officially on my wishlist ... that is just a powerful gorgeous piece.
Just became a fan on Facebook! Awesome :)
My favorite:
Vision Quest - Aromatherapy Meditation and Perfume Oil
Though I am pretty much in awe of most of her products... so amazing and great photos too!!
to pick just one thing from your shop is torture, but i will if i must. my current obsession is the moss + ivy oil, when i wear it, i feel like i'm suspended in time. jill intertwines nature, lushness and earthiness, which i adore...there's nothing like it.
email; helldosedphantom@yahoo.com
I have been dying to try the clove lip balm. When I first saw it, I looked and looked for a single description because it was so intriguing. What a treat to have an opportunity to win the lip balms!
mary's tears are my favorite item, but my favorite of all is your shop name :) love it!
xo, Katie
kateandoli at gmail dot com
i am now following you as well! love this blog, very inspiring.
There are so many things that I've had my eyes on at For Strange Women that it's difficult to choose only one item! But I think the one thing I'd love to try is the Moss and Ivy - Aromatherapy Meditation and Perfume Oil.
I'm also now following you on this blog!
I also tweeted about this... http://twitter.com/shandke
I really like her sample set of meditation oils.
i've been a fan of her etsy/facebook site and since i first found her store, the moss and ivy perfume has been the most intriguing thing to me. i haven't tried it yet, but i really, really want to!
Everything in her shop is so fascinating, it's difficult to choose just one thing to be my fav! I'd have to say that the Moss and Ivy perfume immediately caught my attention. How very intriguing.
Hmm...picking a favorite is really hard but I think I have to go with her Cleopatra perfume; it smells so good! The first time I put it on, I must have been smelling my wrists every thirty seconds! =)
I'm also a fan on facebook! =)
The Cleopatra perfume sounds lovely to me!
what an amazing shop! and the item photos are beautiful.
i like the gift set 3 perfume oils 3 lip balms.
thanks for a great giveaway.
wendiwinn on etsy.
OH, I don't even HAVE to go to Jill's shop: I love my Amethyst necklace and Clove lip embellishment I got from her :)
And it will be my pleasure to follow the blog
Jewels [at] lebeadoir [dot] com
P.S. Just had to add that I LOVED my Word Veri: Hot rum! LOL!
I am totally intrigued by the moss & ivy meditation/perfume oil. Sounds lovely. And, I have been scared of Patchouli before, so trying 'Sweet Androgyny' would also be a great idea. :)
I love the moss and ivy oil, but I really want to try the lip embellishments!
I added you guys on face book! :)
Plus, I posted a link on my facebook feed :)
And now following your blog! Fingers crossed :)
and naturally, forgot my email
seaglass.skies at gmail.com
I love the Ava's Sacred Vial Pendant!
already a follower
became a fan on fb!
I love the Vision Quest - Aromatherapy Meditation and Perfume Oil. It just sounds so relaxing!
Thanks for the chance.
I'm following your blog now. Following as Sihui.
Posted your giveaway at: http://www.hmgiveaways.com/2009/11/lip-embellishment-gift-set-from-for.html
We will tweet the giveaway as well!
The Natalia's Ornamental Bird is my fav!!
The Mary's Tears Earrings (http://ny-image0.etsy.com/il_fullxfull.92168984.jpg) are so beautiful!
savingforhome at gmail dot com
The Poison Ivy Lip Embellishment is my favourite. Very cool.
i really love the amethyst necklace, it is beautiful and the idea behind it is so lovely.
My fav is Abisnthe Lips in the tube. Best lip balm ever!
I am now a follower of this blog!
Posted in my blog about the contest...
I'm now a fan on Facebook...
I'd want to try the Sweet Androgyny - botanical perfume oil! Seems refreshing!
The Moss & Ivy Oil looks interesting. I can smell it in my mind--very verdant and rich.
rubymoonstone at gmail dot com
Facebook Fan (rose manning)
rubymoonstone at gmail dot com
Following publicly
rubymoonstone at gmail dot com
I like the Amethyst necklace- beautiful and simple. khaski78@ hotmail.com
i just subscribed to the blog...oh i want some clove lipbalm!
I like the Herb and Spice Jar 12-set For Strange Women. It looks old-fashiony and beautiful.
jennirv4967 at gmail dot com
I am going to get one of the sacred vial necklaces... just can't decide which!
I love the Amethyst necklace! It's my birthstone, I love purple, and it's gorgeous! Thanks!
I tweeted!
I like the herb and spice jar- 12 set
It's a small thing, but I really really like the Absinthe Lip Balm. I only regret that it will not really tint my lips.:)
This team has such fantastic shops!
And of course I follow this blog! It has such cool shops, remember?:D
I think my fave thing in her shop is the little Moss & Ivy, I love the color and how it looks old and love the photos in the listing ♥:
This has to be my favorite just soley because of the amethyst pendant on the silver chain.
I now follow this blog. :)
Actually, one of my favorite items are one of the lip balms included in the lip embellishment gift set; the pine cone lip balm. I stumbled across it when I typed in "autumn" in the Etsy search engine, what a unique flavor!
Hey there! I'm following! Can't believe I wasn't before :)
I'm a facebook fan now yay!
Hey! I tweeted..the link's below
I would like to try the Mini Vials - Mix and Match Set - Natural Perfume and Meditation Oils with Jaded,Moss and Ivy and Vision Quest!!
I would love to try the poison ivy lip balm.
I follow your blog.
I subscribed!
I love the Natalia's Ornamental Bird necklace
I'm a follower
i really like the Necklace - Ava's Sacred Vial Pendant
such a cool idea! i like that it can be opened.
p.s. email is in profile
it's miriam.nussbaum@gmail.com
(this is not an entry, i forgot to include it in prev posts)
What a beautiful gift set! http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=31894195
This could end up on my Christmas gift giving list!
I just commented and forgot to leave my email!! lirpaskoorb@gmail.com
I am a follower.
I really like the Necklace - Natalia's Ornamental Bird!
kkondek at gmail.com
Tweet! http://twitter.com/ktkatherine/status/5538484049
kkondek at gmail.com
I posted a link to your giveaway on my blog.
Thank you for a wonderful giveaway! My favorite item is the rosewood lip balm, I am a lip balm addict! :p
I am a follower :)
Clove (lip balm) is my fav. I bet it smells and taste so good on your lips.
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