WEEK FOURTEEN: Win a whimsical, adorable pair of Chalkboard Stockings from Diane Sudhoff at South House Boutique!
Says Diane, "I prefer to refer to it as my creative bent -- others, including my dear hubby at times, may consider it a perverse sickness -- but it seems I can’t just sit peacefully. Rather than relishing the magnificent vista we have just hiked for two hours to enjoy, I’m mentally working on how I’m going to incorporate those surroundings into our basement remodel. That incredible rock! Well those rock colors became the inspiration for pulling my brother’s den together."
"And projects you ask? This is where it really gets embarrassing. My girlfriends and I get away to the lake for a long weekend each year for R & R -- absolutely no work allowed! Because they’re “the girls,” they just laugh when we’re lounging on the dock and I’m in the middle of it all painting a rather large brass chandelier celadon green so I can hang it over my new bathtub. It’s my DNA. It’s who I am. I am seriously trying to get things under control by restricting myself to just six active project categories at a time!" she laughs. "And you guessed it -- I’ve actually soaked in that tub only twice in 8 years, but oh, does it look great!"
"I’m a traditionalist at heart," Diane notes, "but I love to throw in a bit of the quirky and unexpected, fun and whimsy. Life is fleeting, so I want to surround myself with the people and things that make me smile, make life fun, and keep me guessing and discovering."
TO ENTER THIS CONTEST AND WIN the Christmas Stockings, simply visit Diane's Etsy Shop southhouseboutique.etsy.com and choose your favorite item in the shop, then post a comment about your favorite item here. BE SURE TO INCLUDE contact information (your e-mail) in your post, so we can notify you if you win. For an EXTRA ENTRY, become a follower of this blog, and BE SURE TO POST A SEPARATE COMMENT letting us know you've done so. For yet a THIRD entry, Tweet on Twitter or blog about this contest on your own blog, including a link to this blog, and BE SURE TO POST A SEPARATE COMMENT letting us know. Include in your comment a link to your post! If you'd like a FOURTH ENTRY, become a fan of our KC Etsy Facebook Fan Page and post a comment indicating you've done so! Contest closes at 11:59 p.m. Central Time on Sunday, Nov. 22, 2009. Monday Nov. 23, a winner will be randomly drawn from eligible entrants and notified by e-mail, and the winner's name will also be posted here. Winner has one week to contact Diane to claim his/her prize. Contest open to U.S. residents. Keep checking here for our weekly drawings, and good luck to you!
The winner of this contest is Alacransita84! Congratulations!
Those are so cute!!!
ni.chern.designs [at] gmail
I'm seriously in love with the Toe Classy Stocking. It would be fun to meet the elf who would wear such a foot adornment. Darling!
Love everything but am seriously taken by the Harvest Sun Poofy Clutch. Seems so practical while being stylish, elegant, versatile, and HANDCRAFTED!
Lyn @ LynspiredJewelry.etsy.com
This is the cutest stocking ever Toe Classy Chalkboard Stocking
following this blog
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fan of kcetsy on facebook aS shelly henley joyfulgirlnaturals(at)gmail(dot)com
Oooo.... I want to win this so bad. I *love* the stockings! My favorite item (other than the stockings) is the "Harvest Sun Poofy Clutch". Thank you for offering such a great giveaway! :)
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I love the Dinner at Tiffanys Napkin Rings!
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I really like Diane's boot cuffs. A great way to change up the look. jessica loch
I like the Toe Classy Stocking No. 2 aguero.crissy at gmail.com
I am following your blog Alacransita84 aguero.crissy at gmail.com
I tweeted here... http://twitter.com/Alacransita84/status/5939140121 aguero.crissy at gmail.com
Became a fan on facebook. Cristina Wyatt aguero.crissy at gmail.com
Love the Toe Classing Stocking No3!!
Tweeted about the giveaway a couple times this week.
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