The KC ETSY TEAM is proud and excited to feature COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS - 18 weeks of wonderful blog giveaways from now until December! Don't miss your chance to win some fabulous free goodies from this very talented team!
WEEK THREE: Win FREE Rubber Stamps from Candice Hill at Drum Chick Designs! The lucky winner will receive one Flip Flops rubber stamp and one Cupcake rubber stamp! Candice has loved art since she was very young. While studying music in college, she needed something relaxing and fun to do, so she started scrapbooking and then making greeting cards. "When I graduated I wanted to try selling my cards online as extra income. I wasn't all that successful with it, but after about 6 months I'd made friends on Etsy and I loved the community so I really didn't want to give up."
She discovered that lots of companies that make craft supplies, like paper companies, stickers, and rubber stamps, are very strict with what you can do with those materials. For instance, a lot of stamp companies do not allow you to use their stamps on your products to sell. "That's when I started to think of the idea to make my own stamps. I got some info online and from the forums on etsy and started carving. It's relatively inexpensive to start up. Since Feb 09 I've been carving stamps and I love it! Even though I've only been carving for a short time, I've been an artist most of my life, starting with drawing and painting classes before I was even in Kindergarten! So I did have to learn the art of carving, but already had a natural ability to work with different mediums and make designs."
"I truly don't have a favorite stamp because it changes all the time. I love the cupcake I'm giving away, and my owl stamp because I think it's so cute! Most of my inspiration comes from everything around me. I can see a cute deer and want to make it my own. Sometimes customers come to me with custom requests and that will inspire me to make variations on their request. I've got a few music theme stamps and those are from my love of music, as I am also a freelance performing musician and I teach lessons."
TO ENTER THIS CONTEST AND WIN these CUTE RUBBER STAMPS, simply visit Candice's Etsy shop drumchick99.etsy.com and choose your favorite item in the shop, then post a comment about your favorite item here. BE SURE TO INCLUDE contact information (your e-mail) in your post, so we can notify you if you win. For an EXTRA ENTRY, become a follower of this blog, and BE SURE TO POST A SEPARATE COMMENT letting us know you've done so. For yet a THIRD entry, Tweet on Twitter or blog about this contest on your own blog, including a link to this blog, and BE SURE TO POST A SEPARATE COMMENT letting us know. Contest closes at 11:59 p.m. Central Time on Sunday, Aug. 30. Monday Aug. 31, a winner will be randomly drawn from eligible entrants and notified by e-mail, and the winner's name will also be posted here. Winner has one week to contact Candice to claim his/her prize. Contest open to U.S. residents. Keep checking here for our weekly drawings!
I like the Monkey stamp!
Also following your blog!
I had a hard time choosing a favorite! I really thought the owl one and the bird cage one were so cute!
I'm also now following your blog!
I love the bumble bee and the frog and the monkey. I couldn't choose just one.
I'm following you now also.
I forgot to leave my email address. Here it is.
My favorite item is the Cassette Tape Rubber Stamp! All of the stamp designs are great, actually.
This is hard. I love stamps.
The owl is my favorite: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=26832936
Even though I love the cassette, cupcake, flips flops, and the hanger with "Handmade with Love" written across it!
Great feature!
I follow
tweeted @ helenapuck
My favorite is the Hand Carved Bumble Bee Rubber Stamp
Blog follower now!
I love the monkey, but I think the BOO stamp is my favorite.
I love the monkey, but my favorite is the BOO stamp. :-)
Sorry for the double post.
I am a blog follower now.
My goodness all her items are way too cute.
I have a top three of favorites!
1. The breakfast food collection
2. The little bird stamp (I think Im a sucker for anything involving birds)
3. The custom business name stamp. Excellent idea!
Thanks so much.
I've also been following for a little while now.
I finally figured it out how to leave message. I am such a slow learner. Here we go, the item that I really like in your etsy shop is the bird cage:
My email is aor9458@gmail.com
i love the hand carved breakfast food stamps!
sandtneal at mfire dot com
now following--i actually live in the KC area, and am happy to have found you!
sandtneal at mfire dot com
My favorite item is the cupcake stamp actually but I also like the Large Hand Carved Damask Rubber Stamp.
I'm a follower
I like this item the best!
i love her bird cage stamp. such cute stuff! thanks for this giveaway.
*and thanks for making sure i commented in the right place, oops!
My favorite is the Custom Eat, Drink and Be Married Hand Carved Rubber Stamp....
I am a follower my name is momgen
I blog about it here: http://www.kwarta4me.biz/2009/08/win-2-rubber-stamp.html
I tweet about the contest:http://twitter.com/mycraftstores/status/3590901692
I like the bumble bee!
I like the Candy Apple Halloween Rubber Stamp :)
I really like the Summer Fruit Collection.
ldsmom2201 at yahoo dot com
The Happy Wife
Homeschool Unit Studies
Hand Carved Bird Rubber Stamp
Love the monkey stamp!
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